
And who the fuck are YOU to diminish someone else’s opinion because you don’t agree with it? Get over yourself, you pompous ass. 

And why should YOU care about HIS? See, it actually works both ways. But don’t let that stop you from acting morally superior. 

I am a Christian, and I don’t have any hatred for LGBTQ. It’s almost as though Page is making a generalized assumption about a group of people, also known as a stereotype. Hmm.... 🤔

It’s really not difficult to do when you don’t allow your politics to consume, aand consequently become, your identity. Give it a try sometime.

It’s painfully obvious that you don’t know a damn thing about Christianity, but instead get your talking points from like minded echo chamber buzz groups. 

I can’t wait for your comment stint to close so that you can do the same.

So anyone sharing beliefs dissimilar to yours is labeled as a “psychosis”? You are a bigot who hides behind an avatar and a keyboard, high on your own narcissistic sociopathy.

Wow. There is some serious projection going on here.

The irony here far exceeds my daily dose.  

We get it. You don’t. Follow your own advice.

You just used a generalization to describe a group of people dissimilar to you. This is commonly referred to as a stereotype. Who often employs stereotypes? Bigots. Do the math.

Yeah, where does he get off, not thinking exactly like you? The absolute nerve! Especially with how likeable and non-judgmental you are.

Very balanced and reasonable. Thank you. 

This says far more about you than him.

And you’re a judgemental asshole. And there you go.

Bravo, mate.

Yeah, a Christian guy practicing Christian values? What gives?! It certainly can’t be your preconceived and judgemental notions of Christianity, that’s for sure. 

The most adult way to handle it.

You sound like a very open minded, reasonable and likeable person of considerable tolerance. 

As a personal friend of CK’s for over 2 decades, she probably knows more than any blogger, Twitter user or message board commenter that is reacting to what they have heard.