
Jesus Christ, people get all sorts of triggered whenever someone doesn’t fall all over themselves, gushing with praise for whatever latest offal the MCU just crapped out. It really does strengthen the critiques that maybe this glut of superhero movies really does impact the cultural maturity level.

Here and in the comments we are quickly reminded just how limited and transparent the “tolerance” and “compassion” of the Left truly is.

Like the line dancing black people in Ferris Bueller’s parade scene. Even as a kid, that made me uncomfortable. I suppose that Hughes viewed it as representation, but it’s so stereotypical....

Very adult. But at least you got your stars, and that’s all that matters, amirite?

Couldn’t agree more. This lost all credibility after it was revealed that CNN was giving them scripted questions and answers.

Not all conservatives act like that. You are making a generalization, which is the same as a stereotype. And only bigots use stereotypes. Don’t be a bigot. Be better. Not all conservatives are monsters, and you can bet that not all progressives are saints.

Paid shills gon’ shill.

“Only” releasing 3 films a year?!

It’s the AV Club. Criticism of any woman is never allowed, and praise of a man - especially Caucasian- is most definitely forbidden!

So if someone doesn’t like Black Panther, their tastes are “abnormal or shitty”? Wow. I have read some pompous, groupthink comments before, but this definitely takes the cake.

That’s an awful lot of stereotyping and generalizing, there. Just sayin’.


You are like a big dumb animal when frightened - blindly attacking things that pose no threat at all.

You must have strong limbs with all of the stretching you do. The irony of MCU fanboys painting DCEU fans in a negative light by saying that they paint them in a negative light. Grown adults complaining about comic book movies, yet fervently denying that the glut of superhero movies impacts the maturity of our

Typical millennial with delicate feelings.

Keep telling yourself that.

The moment a career died (and no one cried). Griffin and Trump are both nasty people, and deserve one another.

It was at the very least leagues above and far, far less disappointing than The Last Jedi. At the very least.

Thank God he isn’t, then. Jesus. That level of indulgence would create a monster, especially over a fucking journal entry.

Oh come the fuck on.