Derek Powles

Highlander 2


I liked DeNiro as Madoff.

You're out of your element Donny.

How did you determine its mediocre?

I also did it because the reviewer is younger and his opinion fit with that generalization.

Great point. Overrated implies other people rated incorrectly. That's impossible when ratings are based on something subjective like comedy. You're telling me I didn't think he was as funny as I rated him? How is that possible?

Comedy is highly subjective. I never found George Carlin funny. At all. Angry rants with no punchlines. Other people loved him. He's on most top 10 lists. All I can say is that I don't agree with most people on this one.

I don't think he's gloomy, I think he's typical for Gen X. I think we all come off as gloomy to Millennials. Millennials always seem Pollyanna to me.

Having fun and caring aren't mutually exclusive. There's room for a "fratty Cabaret"
and righteous indignation. Watching Full Frontal instead of The Tonight Show isn't going to fix the world's problems.

She's right. She is the lead and she deserves the most money.

People like to whine about their hurt feelings as if their feelings matter.

It's a success. It saved a lot of money. He died in the same prison Dassey is currently in.

Donny, you're out of your element!

Nice straw man apples. Goat doesn't believe Kaepernick is sincere. He didn't say anything about his method or his message. He didn't say anything about protests needing to be not visible, convenient or done by the not famous. You put an argument in his mouth then made a flippant comment about it. I also don't think

I agree. It is difficult to believe that he woke up right around the time his career started fading.