Derek Overman

LOl Dougie Fresh and Slick Rick!! I agree that rap is pretty lame now, but RTJ is one of the few who still have that fire and aren't total sellouts.

Well this has 10 hours not 8 so we are at the half way point, and I am loving everything about this show so far, not bored at all. My main point is that you have the same guy, Handlen, who reviewed POI and quit the show without really giving it a chance, a show that had a slow burn but needed the slow burn to

Yup he actually reviewed the first 7 and then quit reviewing the show period. Yeah, POI does take until ep 7 to really start getting to the really good stuff, but that was a show that really built off their world that the first season established.

Totally agree, and Handlen reviewed the first 6 eps of POI and was equally as impatient with that show. I absolutely loved POI and the slow burn was necessary in that, and it is very necessary in this.

Good is a lot better than "sucks". If the Wu Tang album is as good as Forever, then I would listen to it in a heartbeat. It would be a step up from whatever the group has done since 2000.

Yeah, we are in the 5th ep of the first season. I think people are just way too impatient.

Yeah, Handlen's reviews have always been rough. Never liked his POI reviews either, but I think he wanted to be the one Handlen the black rod. Plenty of really intriguing things happened this episode, I didn't find it slow at all.

I think you both hit the nail on the head. I am enjoying this show a ton, and I am past my Lost days, where i would spend hours trying to decipher every little clue. While the easter eggs and literary clues and all of the extra stuff made Lost such a cool experience, the end of Lost made me question why I spent so

Wu tang forever sucked???? If you said the once upon a time in shaolin sucks as badly as A Better tomorrow or 8 diagrams then you would probably be more accurate. We can only hope it sucks as bad as Wu Tang Forever, cuz that album was pretty damn good.

the NFL ratings are plummeting because of the protests? or the fact that the league is a boring version of awesome College football, that needs gimmicks like fantasy football to keep people interested in it.

That sounds freaking hilarious!!

I said he reminded me of black rob schneider, but Ernest is perfect for a Madea comparison. None of his movies were terribly funny, but damnit he was popular as hell, and made a ton of shitty movies. I think you hit the nail on the head.

My wife and her whole family are huge Madea fan's. I love comedy, and have the easiest time laughing, but these movies are so tired and uninspired that I just have a hard time finding the humor. Not terrible movies, but not good in any way. They just exist. To me, Tyler Perry is black Rob Schneider.

Yeah, I wouldn't equate the Oscars for forward thinking at all. Grammy's also. Their rap category has been just abysmal since they added rap as a music. It avoids the really good rap albums and nominates whoever is popular regardless of how un hip hop most of their winners are.

No doubt, nothing funny at all about the wikileaks emails or the veritas videos, they just blame the messenger and avoid the message. They call OKeefe a criminal and avoid the fact that Bob Creamer had been convicted of bank fraud. But they treat Okeefe like Jose Canseco when the baseball accusations occurred. Sure

Amy Schumer is so unfunny. Thank god for Lebron and Bill Hader, because trainwreck would have been a pile of shit otherwise.

Most decent human beings with any sense would obstane from this years election, as both candidates are human shit stains.

Westworld is light years better than this. Far more compelling. Even at a slow pace it is still way more interesting than WD. WD can be summarized as a boring video game. half the season: meandering aimlessly towards yet another psycho group. Zombies that are not in anyway scary, and every human a huge piece of

I agree with the reviewer and Zach is usually not my cup of tea for reviews. But at this point in the show, I just don't care about any of these characters anymore. I had no feeling when either of the 2 character died. The whole show just feels meh.

It isn't westworld or Ash vs evil dead either, unfortunately. I'll stick to those on Sunday nights after that craptastic episode of WD.