
Paul Ryan the $7million Congressman who got a helping hand through Social Security survivor's benefits as a young man. He is a living example of Ayn Rand hypocrisy.

Miller is the perfect poster child for those who either reject or deny their own history (much like Trump). Miller was a self hating young man who turned early on against his Jewish heritage and embraced Nazi ideology by Wayne Lapierre's book which propagated the popular thread of the right that "Hilter disarmed the

Do people realize NBC news since Trump's victory during the Republican primaries have been slipping right in their coverage, attempting to normalize Trump's administration with softball coverage. From Matt Lauer's man crush interview with Trump to the fact that 90% of the politicians appearing on NBC Sunday morning

The series has been dubbed The Continental for now, after the chain of hotels where people who kill other people stay. “They’ve got a really good structure,” - Stahelski

Pizzolatto often talked about Chamber's and other authors during press events. Perhaps he should have given them more explicit credit for the lines used? But, it's not like LIgotti penned the entire series or whole passages were pulled for dialog. We're talking about a few lines, who the character Cole could've picked