Halloween Jack

You misunderstand me. It may have been my fault, but this isn't the easiest thing to parse here. Your differentiation between liberals and progressives is false. You could just as easily call these "progressives" liberals and vice versa. They also even call themselves liberals. Really, screw the convoluted labels

I am a socialist.

"Classical liberalism" Ha, are you Sargon of Akkad? Virtually everyone I know of who calls themselves that today is in favour of things like laissez-faire economics, basically neoliberalism today. All that progressivism means in its basic essence is it is opposed to conservatism, as in it's for questioning tradition

That's just false, progressive is basically used interchangeable with liberal in the mainstream discourse. Now you can have a conversation about the difference between liberals and the left.

Sexist Glenn Greenwald? I don't know what you're referring to or what that has to do with this
"Also that appeasers like you are the reason the Nazis got away with so much. "
Appeasers? The hell are you talking about? Such a simplistic way of looking at it, the problem in the political system is the dichotomy between

Literally, the only 'source' claiming Wikileaks received those DNC leaks from Russia [hackers] is US intelligence.

Whatever, do you have anything substantive to say?

Another gem
"But what if the allegations are ultimately disproved or go nowhere? Maddow and likeminded influential liberals will have led their audience on a fruitless quest, all the while helping foment anti-Russia sentiment, channeling Democratic Party energy away from productive self-critique, and diverting focus

No u
"Jennifer Palmieri, a senior member of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, captured the prevailing mentality when she recently urged party members to talk about the Russian “attack on our republic” — and to do so “relentlessly and

Unless you have some smoking gun that Russia interfered in the election results.
You have any idea how many times the US interferes in other elections, and in far more egregious examples than possibly leaking some damning information about the DNC?

Smoke and mirrors here too. It benefits the Democrats to blame Russia for their recent shortcomings instead of actually changing their neoliberal agenda that keeps making them lose elections.

Wow, nice revisionist history! Easily disproved as well, McCarthy regularly said there were traitors IN the government. "That Russia was the supposed target is irrelevant" — how stupid do you think people are? No, the Cold War was just incidental! LOL

I can't stand Rachel Maddow, thanks to her relentless fearmongering reminiscent of the Red Scare, doing her best to put a smile on Joe McCarthy's desiccated corpse. Her Trump coverage is also abhorrent, as she drags out her whole program before unveiling a mere tax return that's old and reveals no controversies. She's

Most of these titles have no chance of appearing on this hypothetical Classic SNES. But I want them:
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Maximum Carnage
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Judge Dredd
Soul Blazer
Secret of Evermore
Super Turrican 2
Phantom 2040
Zombies Ate My Neighbours

He's a big Future Islands fan

She can afford to run and pay for her whole campaign by herself.

No one here calls it a "bloody" Caesar.

Bowie started a high speed internet service that allowed access to his multimedia site, which almost resembled an early form of youtube. Hell, he lent his music and creative input to the first game by Quantic Dream. He was the first artist to release a CD-ROM! (remember those? Everyone hated it, though)
However, it