Derek Clapton

Give Gen Z a couple of years…

I hope they reset and prepare to launch a new trilogy one more time, that was we can have a "false starts" trilogy.

Ultimate Care II by Matmos is still the gold standard of washing machine music.

Good because the season one ending is weak

At least they're good at noting corrections to articles when they happen

lol, they pointedly did not Apologize.

I always hear people praising modern blockbusters for quick pacing, but they all seem to be long as hell.

Argue: Are Angel and Angelus the same person or not?

There was a blog that did this years ago.

Fun Fact: In 1986 a Gallup Poll declared Richard Nixon one of the ten most admired men in the world.

Does he wear the bright yellow outfit?

:( that sucks!

I haven't listened to that album since 2012, but I do remember this being my general impression. From what I recall they stuck with their strengths on those two.

Seriously! I see so many reviews referencing the W as a good one when it's so fucking bad. Most of their albums after Forever are pretty weak (I'm gonna actually say Iron Flag is solid, C+ work) but the W is the only one that feels half-assed. You can hate on… whatever it is the RZA is on currently, but at least 8

The disrespect for Portrait! Ugh!

I'm also blown away by the contradiction he spun himself into. "I was the sole songwriter of Soul Coughing" but also "those other guys in Soul Coughing ruined my songs with their ideas"

Yah, I'm kinda the same with you re: Doughty. It was astonishing to see someone who totes himself as the sole creative genius of Soul Coughing go on to make some of the blandest cafe rock albums of all time. Clearly the other guys were doing a lot more than he cared to admit.

Right on with Mastodon. I loved Crack the Skye, but I get a lot of folk's frustration. That being said they over corrected the problem. The Hunter is one of the blandest dumb metal albums put out by a band I used to like. They just aren't good with the clean vocals. And how could a band live with song titles like

I immediately ctrl+F'd for this exchange.
