Derek C. F. Pegritz

I simply acknowledge the fact that I, like every human male (and every human female, for that matter), am motivated by biological drives hardwired into my brains by millions of years of evolution. However, I am not a slave to those drives. I can and do choose, consciously, to resist my baser animal instincts in the

Personally, I’m lusting after Agony, simply because its version of Hell is prettymuch exactly what I imagine Hell should be. It’s only Hell, though, depending on which side of the pitchfork you’re on. :)

There’s a non-scary side of cyberpunk?! My favourite thing about cyberpunk is how damn creepy it is. Nothing like mixing cybernetics with Cronenbergian body horror!

DO NOT UNTHAW MACREADY. I’m suspecting there was more to the crew of the outpost going into cryohibernation than merely saving “resources.”

I love this game! In fact, it’s prettymuch the only zombie game I’ve ever actually enjoyed playing—mainly because the setting and characters are so great.

Holy crap, this song is CRAZY dope!

Tiberium Wars was literally one of the worst games I have ever played. I was a huge fan of the Command & Conquer games, but I also liked the Red Alert subfranchise as well—so C&C4 looked like essentially a combination of the two, only with a mobile variant on base-building. I was playing the tutorial when I realized

ABSO-FREAKIN’-LUTELY! Gods, I love the Xenogenesis books. I want to have an oankali morph when I grow up.

ABSO-FREAKIN’-LUTELY! Gods, I love the Xenogenesis books. I want to have an oankali morph when I grow up.

I generally dislike anime in general—with the exception of all the Ghost in the Shell stuff, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Akira. Those are literally the only anime films/series I’ve ever been able to watch and enjoy. I know a good bit about anime, though, because my friends all love it and often force me to watch it.

I purchased it when it was in early access, and was sorely disappointed in the quality of the game. Now, I fully understand that the game was only about 25% finished at that point, but as it evolved over the next six months...nothing got better. Not got more interesting. Though visuals are not vital to a game like

Ohyeah, I’m murdering every motherfucker that stands in my way. Not civilians—even in a fantasy world, I can’t bring myself to be that evil. But even if you’re just a cop doing your job, if your job is to stop me from killing your boss, I have no problem slitting your throat on my way to get the big bastard.

I haven’t had a single issue with Dishonored 2, and my computer’s now beginning to show its age. I’ve seen videos of the problems other folks are having an am thankful I’m not experiencing them, but kind of confused why I’m not experiencing as well. <puzzled>

My gods, how I love the Eldrazi.

That little cocksucker declared a Surprise War on me, and while he was screwing with my cities I wiped out all three of his with siege engines. I salted the ground they were built on.

Oh, with me it has! I can go from zero to Complete Asshole in less than .24 of a second. <hahah>

As far as I’m concerned, the game was Ghostbusters 3. I friggin’ LOVED it! Hell, I just finished playing through it again a few weeks ago!

I’ve had a great time with Doom, but that was largely nostalgia value. As far as I’m concerned, Battleborn is the most fun I’ve had playing anything in ages. From the ‘80s-style cartoon intros to the character design and all the snarky humour, it’s just a BLAST!

This playlist is solid. But you should add everything by Dimmu Borgir to the list, because they are the official marching band of the undead. “Progenies of the Great Apocalypse” makes the perfect soundtrack to the battle of Hardhome!

Victor Vran—one of the best hack’n’slash games I’ve ever played that doesn’t have Diablo in the title. And Ashes of the Singularity and Company of Heroes 2 for my RTS fix.

I’ve been playing it since it was in early alpha—because I’m a stonecold transhumanist and an oldskool RTS freak—and it’s really fun. Doesn’t break any new ground in any way, but the story’s pretty cool (if shallow) and there’s nothing as awesome as watching a couple thousand robotanks and giant antigrav dreadnoughts