
You and your parallel universes, Lindelof! Don't get me wrong… it's still good, it's still good!

His bit part in Jesus' Son was one of the most oddly funny portrayals of a lunatic I've seen.

Pardon the nitpick-ery but I'm pretty sure that Dana Gould was never a showrunner on The Simpsons… I'll show myself out.

R.I.P., The A.V. Club

Loved the quick cut from the "Jimmy McGill, Attorney at Law" spot to the beginning of an ad for the Garden Weasel… and leaving just enough time for the audience to see nothing but the word "Weasel".

For a show to simultaneously maintain this level of both absurdity and depth is no small feat. Amen to FX for the renewal.

Mary Ingalls Wilder (Kendall) from Little House on the Prairie. She was a noticeably pointless character a la Sondra (Sandra?) from The Cosby Show. Incidentally, I'm 84 years old and my bedtime was about 6 hours ago. G'Night, everybody!

+1 to Cristin Milioti. For someone without a whole lot of screen time, she's nailed it in every scene.

Just the sight of Monaghan and Tompkins in the same shot warms the cockles.