
Why pay Hulu when you can pay btguard $9.99 and steal all the content from all the streaming services for free? The only worry is getting caught. It’s not like you have to worry about guilt, that’s not a thing in capitalism.

I know you want to get everybody all ginned up but people don’t really care that much about Chappelle and they care even less that he did a few minutes at Mulaney’s show. This is a pointless piece of click bait.

We’d like you quit being so dramatic and quit blowing our buzz.

Some people like to complain because the choices they made didn’t fulfill their their unrealistic expectations.

You can’t prove your life is important or meaningful nor can anyone else. Nobody really knows if their lives are important or meaningful.

That fact actually make her argument pointless. There’s no objective criteria for good or better lives so she can’t say that this baby is any better than this other baby.

We have no

It took courage to admit you’re a Vikings fan.