
I really loved that Felicity's last nonsense phrase after the first time jump was a very rushed "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra".

There's not much evidence to indicate one way or another if time passes at the same rate in the flashback - there's been a couple references here and there to a couple years passing, but not many. He still could be in year 3 of the flashbacks.

Times Lords are the one percenters of Gallifrey, clearly.

I felt it was trying to tell a similar story of man's hubris with a more current mechanism of our demise. We're not worried about MAD so much any more as genetic engineering. Franco ignored safe testing protocols and procedures in an attempt to fix something and inadvertently doomed us all.

…really? He actually gave a thoughtful gift, and even pointed out that Homer was shortchanging the guests with the sleigh ride. He was pissed about the book, but honestly, all of Lisa's presents were terrible projections that showed she wasn't thinking about them.

An apostrophe representing the omitted syllables is generally accepted for dialect transcription.

Zabka: "For some reason, they always had popcorn!"

Simply meant that Carter is more commonly a surname. In the opposite vein of the expression that "you shouldn't trust people with two first names" (Doug Scott).

Am I missing an in-joke, because I keep seeing this. Carter Bays is a singular person. I know he's got two last names, but still… Craig Thomas is the other guy.

You know, I thought that at first, but it just doesn't quite feel like she played to that trope. When I thought back, pretty much every line of dialogue and action could reassigned verbatim to a frustrated traveling New Yorker of any race, etc., so I gave it a pass.

Perhaps in Firefly days, but he's a bit long in the tooth now…

Referring to his turn here?