
God the hubris of this candidate. Exactly when did she think she would tell us she has Stage IV cancer or something?

Don’t think for a second that large employers that self-fund their insurance programs don’t look to see who has a catastrophic illness in their past that might come back, or is in treatment. They do. They will.

Only problem with telling your doctor how much you drink is that they’ll put it in your records that they told you to not drink too much. Then your life/health insurance carrier can jack up your rates (when you are alive) and deny benefits (when you’re dead) because you were supposed to have identified yourself as

Anyone else worried about a kid living with a Dad who includes his kid in his sexting obsession? If I’m Huma, I get that kid out of there, stat.

Why is nobody noticing the little dude who is levitating above the field in front of the kicker?!?!?!

I always just say “oh, let’s just be friends now...” and go to sleep

When I was a kid, I worked at Grolier telemarketing children’s books to parents who weren’t too good at math. We got a break on the :55 of every hour where we could “elect” to use our 5 minutes not strapped to the phone to evacuate our bowels.

so far, you’re doing a great job.

If me and my asshole friends wanted to do this to show how simple it is to do, we would fuck it up.

I once got pity-married. Totally fooled her!

I work in advertising, and we’ve had Project Managers (essentially, the lowest form of account executive) who had been making overtime already, so I guess they were only bringing in $20-30K in salary. Wow. They stay the latest, come in the earliest.

I think he’s upset about the a missed opportunity to have 1 or 2 Tri-delts impregnated by someone who could become a huge booster to his baby momma’s alma mater.

“Please tell us, in your own exact words, the names, addresses and phone numbers of your members?”

God I love the English language and the way marketers can manipulate it.

Watching his interview on TMZ, I think I caught a little bit of a gay vibe coming off this dude. Maybe he’s going through some stuff he doesn’t really want to deal with?

Never have so many competant [sic], talented people been run off by such a talentless group of entitled beaurocrats [sic].

As the world’s greatest exporter of sweat, I would challenge this man or any of you to a sweat off any day of the week.

I once got a card that said “Jesus loves your smile” as my tip. I chased them out the door and said “Jesus doesn’t pay my rent.”

Yes, Bernie will be done by March, latest.

That doll looks like he doesn’t know where he is.