derby spunknickle

proving once again that America will always make an exception for white thug violence.”

...and then he raised taxes, drove up the cost of healthcare, did nothing about infrastructure, took over the student loan system from banks - which ballooned student debt.

LOL the “progressive” leftist circular firing squad is comedy gold!

Perhaps its because The Root doesn’t treat Reddit as a credible news source?  Just a guess...

Yeah, 90% of the time Micheal Harriot is usually on point... this time he’s a little off base. Also we don’t know if this is even a white woman, it could be a latino, hispanic, asian, or light skinned black woman. We cant see her face.

The point of this was it’s no longer about BLM. It’s about Trump’s Secret Police. They are grabbing whoever they find, not just PoC.

Wow its so great to hear that cancelled people have the chance to apologize and keep their jobs now.  All those fired white men will sure be glad to hear that.

Few things set me off worse than a hypocrite. The Venn diagram of people who fly that flag and people who get mad when anyone “disrespects” the official colors is a perfect circle.

Oh man, yeah. I can’t find it now but on Reddit an artist peeled the blue line back a little and you can see that symbol the Nazi’s stole and used for themselves.

...but we DO know because IT’S ON FUCKING VIDEO MORON!!!