derby spunknickle

People in glass houses...

And Biden and Kamala are FAR RIGHT of Bernie. Concessions only lead to more concessions. Every four years we tell ourselves we are doing a good job if we fill in the boxes on The Left. And every four years the center moves more and more to The Right. Obama has admitted that his policies were moderate Republican

I don’t hate you.  I hate that you hate us.

There could be one white man left on earth and black people would still be blaming white supremacy for everything they don ‘t want to be accountable to.

I mean, when white people are the minority, who are black people going to blame for their lives not being perfect?


Oh, I’m sorry let me clarify.  NOT ALL blacks.  There, now it’s not racist, see?  Isn’t this what identity politics teaches us?

It’s almost as if politicians represent their constituencies, the majority of which are “white”?  Who’d a thunk it!?!?   Speaking in generalizations for the majority of Americans is not a judgement of minorities.  Yet another example of black people over-reacting to every perceived slight.

Tell you what, white journalists will stop saying America when they mean white America if black journalists stop using the term wypipo when they mean to say white people.  #yesall

I know the world don’t owe you a fucking living, friend.  And I know that the current obsession with identity over substance is a step backwards away from equality, not towards it.  Black people commit some of the most heinous evil shit imaginable, it’s excused because systemic racism leads to less opportunity and

It was written by a white guy you ignorant fuck.

Thank you for proving my point. Black Lives Matter. White lives do not. Transpeople’s lives do not. Children’s lives do not. If it’s not directly related to your racist agenda against “WHITE” you ignore and insult.

Thank you for proving my point.  Black Lives Matter.  White lives do not.  Transpeople’s lives do not.  Children’s lives do not.  If it’s not directly related to your racist agenda against “WHITE” you ignore and insult.