Quixotic Darby

From what I’ve read it seems pretty clear we’re dealing with substance abuse issues. Nepo baby and lousy musician certainly seem fair. But shitty person? Really? That seems pretty damn harsh for someone who seems to need some serious help.

I think some folks think (wrongly, you’re right, if they had merit they would have won) it may lend them a sort of studious cachet. Remember, these are folks who when they get up in the morning and look in the mirror they think there the only reasonable choice to be the most powerful person on the planet (or free

I think another aspect is for the rest of their life when their name is written in articles or mentioned on newscasts it will be forever tagged with, “former presidential candidate.” 

Also, just Fuck republicans. Fuck the whole lot of them.

I can’t take this shit anymore. And the overwhelming amount of people do this in the name of some sky fairy that doesn’t exist. The most disheartening thing is that the idiots won’t get a frame of reference to realize when they follow the white light of their brain to its dissipating end BAM they’re gonna hit a wall

I’m new here so I’m not sure what I’m allowed to say (as a dude I also feel guilty as shit reading a lot of stuff here lately) but if I can boil things down to their essence: Republicans have long wanted control of everything, now openly stalking pregnant women’s bodies. What I really want to say that you may not see

My creative writing degree (naysayers be damned; I have found it of worth) taught me sometimes, simplest is most effective, of merit, and truthful. So:

Eventual Username would be Quixotic Darby