
Learn to spell "Keira", internet.

Now is perhaps the time to mention that Matthew Vaughn once directed a commercial for the Tory Party.

— Luciano Pavarotti

Mia Hansen-Love's just premiered a new film called Eden which sounds like it might be your bag.

There was a good, in-depth Vanity Fair piece about them when this whole thing kicked off, which did indeed feel like it was a folie a deux with her as patient zero.

He learned so much from his role in Brokeback Mountain!

Ah, you might be right there. "Pre-ubiquity" would have been a better term.

A pre-stardom Chastain has a small role in Ralph Fiennes's excellent adaptation of Coriolanus, but yeah, she's long overdue her Desdemona or Goneril.

[deleted Prince Andrew joke]

Almost sounds like fun, doesn't it? If you want to be part of the SUMMER OF DEATH.

Unless the freedom hatin' foreign dictator is a Kenyan named B. Hussein Obamahitler, no.

It seemed to start when people saw the first episode and thought "Jesus, this is poor. Why are all the critics talking about it as if it's a medium-redefining masterpiece?" and started casting around for an answer. It's not the right answer, but then there is no right answer.

Then it should have felt like that. Jackson still filmed this battle like he filmed Pellenor Fields (except not as well); an exciting struggle full of kickass moments. If he was aiming for the futility of conflict, he missed by a staggering degree.

That whole scene was like the end of 'Bart Gets Famous' - everyone turns up for a second to do their catchphrases! Here's Galadriel! Oh no, wait, she's having a bit of a lie down. No, wait, she's doing her glowy thing again. Never mind, here's Elrond, Saruman, and the third goblin from the left!

Probably any adaptation of Blood Meridian is going to leave out a significant element of the book, because it's just got so many different tones going on. Malick could get the sense of cosmic madness, but I'm not sure he would be comfortable with the extreme violence. The Coens, much as I love No Country, have the

He seemed to be going for a very fantastical kind of fantasy casting - one of the other ones was a Batman movie made by Orson Welles in the 1940s which featured Welles as Ra's al Ghul, who hadn't appeared in the comics yet.

He didn't specify, but once you've thought of Hackman and that book, he's got to be Glanton, right?

Here's a hugely well-advised quote from Trump about Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire statutory rapist at the centre of the Prince Andrew/Alan Dershowitz allegations:

And yet it still sounds more dignified than the Celebrity Apprentice.

I think LBJ gets too much flack for Vietnam. Kennedy started it, Nixon treasonously sabotaged Johnson's efforts to end it, so he was left with the middle. At the time, it's easy to understand why people thought of it as "LBJ's war", but with what we know now, that just wasn't the case.