"Look at Batman there, all up on the Joker's case, acting like he doesn't go home and commit acts of clown-themed supervillainy in private. PC hypocrite."
"Look at Batman there, all up on the Joker's case, acting like he doesn't go home and commit acts of clown-themed supervillainy in private. PC hypocrite."
It's the old right-wing shuffle - point out that Islamic governments are detestable bigots, therefore it is OK for you to be a detestable bigot because… look! Over there! A rare red squirrel!
I dunno, it's interesting to me how utterly offended people get by it. Usually the sort of people who think black people should just suck it up and get over it when they're called the n-word, but call them "privileged" and… whoo boy.. You're in for an all-night whinefest there.
Yeah, it's always struck me that the most hypersensitive, politically correct euphemism in the world today is "delightfully un-PC" instead of "nasty, mean-spirited bigot". With all the whining they do, you'd have thought wingnuts would understand a little of how marginalised groups feel.
The proper reaction being… "I dislike you"? Whoo, Gary sure showed him! Somehow!
I'm always kind of astonished when the Gibson thing comes up again every couple of years that people think it's somehow rare for a person not to have thought about a vast Jewish conspiracy causing all wars, or not to have occasionally fantasised about the girlfriend you beat up being gang-raped.
Christ, they're still coming in and weeping over this article. Disqus sucks.
Yes, every album was hailed as "a storming return to form!" until about six months after it was released. Scientists call it REM Syndrome.
Peter O'Toole
No, silly, he's the heroic anti-Communist who saves the world from Communism by persuading people to go on strike out of class solidarity. But this time it's rich people, so it's a completely consistent individualist philosophy!
I like this post, although I'd have changed it to "It allows you to feel like a discerning and intelligent cineaste without the burden of actually challenging yourself by watching and understanding something of actual merit."
I love that we're saying "you're defending George Lucas?" in the same incredulous tone that most people would reserve for "you're French kissing Pol Pot?"
Given that I thought Thor was a thoroughly entertaining movie and Man of Steel was grandiose, hyperactively-filmed, over-colour-corrected kitsch, you bet I can!
Zack Snyder: now officially 'realer' than Kenneth Branagh.
Oh god the idea of a Goyer-written Starfire movie is nightmarish.
Obligatory thread about how great the Vice magazine smack down is in Page One.
That is probably the first time anyone has gotten any pleasure out of 'Trans'.
Jonathan King's level of unrepentance is genuinely surreal, like he's actually proud of it. Here he is after he was released from prison, singing a self-penned song about… no, I can't even type it: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Liking Edgar Wright but hating Simon Pegg is but a hair away from Ned Flanders's opinion on Woody Allen.