I will find you, and I will bill you.
I will find you, and I will bill you.
This felt wheel-spinny to me. The bad place is the next natural step, and this was just a lot of lead-up.
I agree. I loved the movie, but I can see where people are coming from. It seems to me Luke was a bad teacher; we see he’s impatient when he blows up at Rey for looking into the dark side. Maybe his inexperience made him paranoid.
But then why was the detective happy when Chantal admitted she was lying about being held against her will?
The blood cough or Sam Rockwell throwing the guy out of the window in 3 Billboards.
Good Time I would give it to the introduction of his non-brother and his flashback story. So unexpected and hilarious.
I gotta go with the swamp level in Mario Odyssey. I actually thought it was gonna suck going in, but the wigglers are so god damn fun and smooth to use, and they make for some great puzzles. Ditto the guys who launch after you in a straight line when you throw your hat at them. It’s also just one of the tightest and…
I liked the Jumanji trailer. It effectively sets up what the deal is; there are some good laughs; and the idea of Jack Black playing a teenage girl just tickles me.
I agree. We saw these big parts of the movie back when we saw the trailer (probably multiple times), so the effect is muted when you actually go to the theater.
So they’re still turning into naked humans after being defeated right?
Agreed on Strange. To me it’s a clear outlier among all the other MCU movies, which are at the very least engaging and entertaining in the moment.
I disagree about the strength of previous Zelda stories. They’re simple, but effective, and the art design and characters really bring it home. The comparative weakness of those aspects in BotW is why I greatly enjoyed it while playing it but didn’t feel a lasting impact afterward.
It’s pretty clear which Andre will play
She’s made a list since then.
Ah, I see. How was the movie?
Is Michael Cera him? If so that’s pretty funny, a contemporary actor playing another contemporary actor.
I’ve already done the first several kingdoms being as thorough as possible, getting every moon that the parrot and Toad will tell me about, so I’ll probably proceed that way. I am extremely curious what the big deal at the end is though.
I actually earned thag moon in a demo, and I thought that was an ingenious little game. You have to use muscle memory to complete the circle. But if you have to do it multiple times, I can see how the magic would wear off.
I remember thinking the dime-store Indian one was cool.
The smoking one in Cat’s Eye is great, and I also like the one where the guy has to walk around the ledge. Simple premise but thrillingly executed.