In her case, AutoPilot probably saves a life or two every time she gets behind the wheel.
In her case, AutoPilot probably saves a life or two every time she gets behind the wheel.
Does Tesla’s Autopilot recognize other vehicle’s turn signals? Legitimately asking, because that can make a huge difference.
But this is absolutely the system not performing anything life saving imo. Honestly, I probably would have taken over prior to the split to ensure the car went where I wanted and then re-engage.
Are all of the slide show complaints from people on computers? IPhones? I almost always read these sites on my phone, but I have a Pixel, and the slides always display as a scrollable list without any need for futzing with the display.
Sure! One of the few giant essential industries in the world where the U.S. is a leading player is farming. So naturally a bunch of manufacturers with control over a handy choke point are going to destroy it in the interest of short-term profit. It’s the American Way.
Blanket/absolute statements that start with “any time,” “always,” “never,” and their ilk can get us in trouble a lot of the time. I used to work for a furniture company that made organic mattresses. This company was facing the prospect of submitting all of its products to expensive and time-consuming fire testing that…
Most aircraft still have physical controls in this era of touchscreens (even with MFDs) because it’s easier to understand switch positions by feel/touch alone, leaving you free to focus your sight on the outside picture.
There’s a lot going on here that shows that things are still not quite as up-to-date inside of VW as they would like you to think.
Neural networks!
Audiophiles ruin being an audiophile. You can be an audiophile if you build a good sounding audio system because you honestly appreciate hearing high fidelity music with all the details honestly reproduced. Then your buddy Gary comes over and says something like “ooo but you should really upgrade to lower oxygen…
I am still not sure if this write up has provided adequate details indication the benefits of this over other Stereo head units on the market? Is the article intended to get you to click the Sony link or something to get the details? I like that the Single Din, ugly facia is appealing to ward off thieves that are not…
Fiat Spider was $3100 in 68, with a rev happy twin cam. 454 Chevelle SS LS6 was like $4200 in 1970. So ~$22k and ~$35k.
Don’t harsh on a fun car. This is a fun, unique looking, quirky little car. Is it a great performer? No. Is it an extremely useful vehicle? No. Does it work for 6.5 foot tall people? No. But checking all the boxes for most people gives you a sea of potato shaped CUVs on the roads like we have now. DON’T HATE ON FUN.
Fair point. Raphael would be a lot better off if he actually put some numbers to it. But that would require, you know, doing actual research that good reporters do.
Some people see others with more than them and strive to be like them.
Seriously, Raphael, what the hell is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a child? Did you eat lead paint chips off the wall? Were you one of those kids that consumed Tide Pods?
Or, heres a wild thought, dont tax your people to fucking death because you cant balance a budget.
Hopefully with a functioning adult in the White House we can get back to repsonsible management of resrouces and address climate change with real solutions. We’re going to need a fully comprehensive plan of action, every available avenue as far as renewables, E vehicles, the way we think about how we eat, the clothes…
Tax income does not equal actual income. That 58 cent per mile assumption is going to be way higher than actual expenses for your car because it’s based on averages for work vehicles, most of which are big trucks/vans, not a tiny cheap sonic. Your fuel cost is probably ~7 cents per mile. Your repairs at 6K over 50k…
The way I’ve been living isn’t sustainable, let’s be real.
Five years of great fun, though! Definitely lived the dream buying every car I ever wanted (I know, I have cheap taste), road-tripping, wrenching, etc etc.
But I’m gonna reel it in just a bit.