
The 2k nfl games deserve a little love. 

Somewhere in the South right now...

Maybe I’m alone on this, but there were a lot of flubbed lines this week. I expect it from Jones, but everybody acted like this was the first time they had seen these words in this order. I do wonder if Thompson’s update misspronounciation of “rotisserie” was intentional or not.

I agree that the blame only flows one way. I’m just frustrated at how long and how many people he’s been able to hurt. Its a shitty deal all the way around.

I’m really conflicted how to feel. Obviously, Harvey Weinstein is a P.O.S. and deserves prison but why does it take a headline for all these stories to come out? What if the first person he tried this shit with pressed charges? How many victims could be saved? It’s fucking baffling. There are other studios in

Lil B, of course short for Lillian B.

Sanford and Son... what an epic theme song. I dare you to not shake your ass to that bass line. I only caught the show when I was a youngster, and couldn’t really relate to the struggles of a lower income African American Old Dude and his put upon Son in the 70's as I was middle class white kid in the early 90's.

That’s horseshit, Reid’s clock management falls apart the regular season too.

Man.... I fucking love Pearl Jam but I hate the fucking Cubs. Might just get the soundtrack. Go Cards!

My only reservation about any of this is wrongly convicting someone in the court of public opinion before all facts are known. Of course, if these allegations are true, punishment should be administered. But if they prove to be false, that’s a whole lot of damage done over a lie.

This loss stings quite a bit. I always tried to turn my friends on to Charles Bradley. There was an unmistakable sincerity in his music that is sadly lacking in a lot of newer music. He will be missed.