Deputy Barnes

"They're not bugs, they're the features!"

Man, what would his mother think…

There it is.

Naw. I'll wait til y'all post Ehrlich's version.

Obviously Sherlock Holmes would require the help of one of the famous Kid Detectives. Elementary!

This ignoramus can eat a bag of marbles.

When that Thai restaurant song came on, I'm like… "I know that instrumental, but in a slightly different way." Then it hit me that "It's Forever" was sampled on Glover's Childish Gambino mixtape "Royalty" and it all came full-circle. Music is so important to film and television in general, and having Atlanta helmed by

Isn't she the one who thought Mindy lived with Mark?

Jacob Tremblay with the most adorable laugh. *cue the AWWWWWs*

I don't know who I have to talk to in order to get you made a saint, but I'll make it happen. THANK YOU!

This is literally my defining memory of Mark McGrath and Sugar Ray and I love whenever someone brings it up in a comment section about them. I've never been able to find that video since it originally aired on some banal E! program.

Pump anything Villaneuve straight into my bloodstream.

Jerry LOSER takes three years to get his film released. SAD!

The Aristoscats!

Same. I thought, "Oh, wow, bold choice."

Whiplash's final scene takes place at Lincoln Center, not Carnegie Hall. *pushes up glasses*

"Carson Plummer"


Don Draper's waiter in the pilot smokes Old Golds.