Dept. of Redundancy Department

The tool in the R8 doesn't check his 3-o'clock when attempting a lane change to the right, he sideswipe's Ice-T's SL55, and then rams into the back of an Accord. The video's description says the police report has it down as a "blown tire," which is obviously bullshit. At the time, no injuries were reported, but the

But before we get into the difficult bits, let's just linger here for a second and consider how incredible it is that it's even possible in any way whatsoever that you can legally transport your lovely little spawn in one of these. It's a mid-engine car. If your car-buying criteria is mid-engined and able to take your

I'm torn between the two, because if you look at the shape, taillights, etc, it looks like an iQ, but something just tells me that it could be a new Fortwo. The previous Fortwo, though, was rear engined, but this appears to be front engined. Who's to say that it's not another company's plan for a new city/micro car?