It’s fascinating to me that a reporter took the time to ferret out that this was a publicity stunt...but Matt Lauer (and other network “journalists”) can’t be bothered to fact check a goddamned Presidential candidate on air.
It’s fascinating to me that a reporter took the time to ferret out that this was a publicity stunt...but Matt Lauer (and other network “journalists”) can’t be bothered to fact check a goddamned Presidential candidate on air.
Fucking murder or torture or forced slavery or some shit on top of rape. What kind of question is that?
I was JUST thinking exactly the same thing: Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Sick and diabolical murdering predators, those two :(
No. That’s wrong.
Not enough stars. I love this. I'm teaching it to my coworker learning Italian right now. We both chose to have dogs rather than kids.
I love the affirmative io in Italian. gorgeous language.
Copy editors cost money, or something, I guess. :(
PornHub or it didn’t happen.
thanks, i appreciate the knowledge. but now, how about weed, is that legal in italy? because look at the header image - you cannot convince me that those arent hemp booties.
It’s almost like we’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t.
Good news, women: you can* have it all! Career and babies!
We should do it though. If we don’t, we’re selfish bitches. But once we do we better not expect government aid of any kind. Cause after all it was entirely our decision and no one forced us into it. :/
Lie back and think of Italy, ladies.
Minimal (if any) support for mothers, no affordable childcare, and the burden of care placed on women.
“Don’t let your sperm go up in smoke”
I went to college with Matt! He is a delight and is nice to wait staff.
I think this is a beautiful sentiment. The idea that finding balance between two opposites is how you find harmony, this is not a new idea. Why does it sound so crazy to you?