
I don’t remember the post-2000 election at all this way. People were clamoring for Gore to run again in the lead up to 2004. He won the election in 2000, then told us all to stand down when we wanted to riot after the SCOTUS decision. We (mostly) listened. He spoke out against the Iraq war early, was already working

Not everyone turns their campaign book into a year plus egotistical pity party that regularly makes news when they relitigate the election at promo stops.

Like, Al Gore *did* go away pretty completely for a while. He had to come back with a whole movie and his global warming shtick.

She’d be getting nowhere near the same degree of flack if she’d done what other failed presidential candidates have done over the past couple decades and shut up/gone away for a year or two before resurfacing.

I don’t recall anyone telling those other candidates to go away

Hillary did go away for some time until her book came out last fall. If anything Trump is constantly bringing her up.

She was invited to speak, and then she was asked a question, which was pointing out the exact same attitude that you’re projecting, how does it feel to constantly be told you’re time is over, sit down and shut up. It’s gotta hurt, and she gave a poised answer, but no doubt it cut. She gave her life to the Democratic

Oh come on. At this point Clinton could say “we’ve been having nice weather lately” and the media would immediately start screaming “CLINTON OUT OF TOUCH WITH PLIGHT OF FARMERS AS DROUGHT WORSENS!” or “CLINTON ADMITS CLIMATE CHANGE A HOAX!”

I suspect I’m in the minority but this: “ isn’t necessarily helpful at this very moment.” fucking irks the shit out of me. Like, what, she’s supposed to slink off back to the kitchen where she should’ve stayed to begin with, because that’s what’s HELPFUL for us right now? Fuck that.

One of our djs put a ‘go away Hillary’ post up on his fb page last week (we are public media) and got a ton of blow back. He was surprised at the vigor of the responses from women, who were asking him why should she go away. When he came to me to comment upon it, he was again surprised that I agreed with the comments.

I don’t think anywhere he is demanding that he be protected “because he’s a child,” so I’m not sure where you are getting that from. Rather, I think he has taken the criticism and attacks in great stride.

Well, she is pulling completely irreverent things into the debate to somehow discredit him and get him to be quiet. How is that not bullying? His college rejections have nothing to do with gun control so why is she going after him about it? It’s no different than calling him ugly. It has nothing to do with school

But she wasn’t mocking his stand on an issue. She was mocking a teenage boy’s tweet of disappointment at a college rejection letter. Nothing to do with any issue whatsoever but her desire to demean him.

When it’s from an adult with her own television show and is meant to harass and mock a teenager who recently experienced and survived a tragedy.

Isn’t a 4.1 GPA an amazing thing? Or have GPAs changed since I was in HS?

Indoor plumbing.

Fun story!

I’m here to advocate for Mad Max Fashion. Sex is fine and all, but it’s (probably) not going to fill the majority of your day. When you aren’t having dramatic sex - and sometimes when you are, these styles are pretty permissive - what are you going to wear?

People, you have to stop voting for pets- it puts you in a HEARTBREAKING situation. It’s hard enough to survive the apocalyptic wasteland, but you will struggle even more to keep a pet alive. Can you imagine have to watch your poor pet starve to death? Or be eaten by marauders? Be sensible!

I’m going to be so mad if dramatic sex wins. We have no birth control, we’re fighting for our lives, and people are just down to bone. No, I have a civilization to rebuild and zombies to murder, boy bye.