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He released another Oregon related song in October, so here’s hoping.

Oh, it’s definitely not coming from him, the man knows nothing of history or religious beliefs. But there have been several Republican senators/representatives who have been pushing the move of the embassy for a while—Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Dean Heller being big ones.

There’s a group of Christians who believe Jerusalem needs to be recognized as the capitol of Israel so then they can rebuild the temple where it used to be—after that Jesus can return. The more zealous among the Republicans have been pushing for the US to to move its embassy there for quite a while because that would

Reports are saying that he was fired for cause, which if true, means he won’t be getting the rest of the money left on his contract. That shouldn’t be a big deal, but considering Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly got buyouts from Fox for $40 million and $25 million respectively when they left over harassment, Lauer not

I used to work in a chiropractic clinic that had massage therapists. I think everyone of the LMTs had a story about being sexually harassed by a client or was asked for a “happy ending.” While I was working there, we had to fire one client because he deliberately exposed his penis to his male LMT and refused to cover

Their explanation is that you aren’t seeing the earth curve, it’s the windows of the plane that are curved. Also, cameras were explicitly designed to give the illusion of a curvature. Because no one has anything better to do than to lie and devote all their time to propping up a false reality.

There was a miniseries of that one 2 years ago with Charles Dance, Miranda Richardson, Sam Neill, and Aidan Turner.

There was series on A&E a few years back called Dogs of War. Which was about Paws and Stripes, a charity which sets up veterans with service dogs that they take from shelters and train themselves (because most veterans can’t afford the huge fees or long waits for already trained service dogs).

NDAs are void if it turns out there was criminal activity—as well as if it could be argued that speaking out was a matter of public safety/health. If Weinstein were to try to take anyone to court over it, he’s the one who would likely get burned. But his victims/employees are still right to be concerned, he could

That’s one of the reasons Mueller brought NY Attorney General Schneiderman onto the investigation, especially on the Manafort angle. If Schneiderman is the one who brings charges at the state level for anything that went on in New York, Trump can’t do a thing about it; he only has power to pardon federal crimes.

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Here’s another species of porcupine, just as noisy.

Bush Sr was hospitalized 3 times this year—one they said was due to pneumonia, after another one they said he had chronic bronchitis, not sure if either are still affecting him. But he’s been in the wheelchair for several years now due to vascular parkinsonism (which has symptoms like parkinson’s disease); that’s

Rodriguez is definitely the ex. She said something to the effect that her ex sold the films they did together to her rapist, she did 3 films with Rodriguez, and 2 of them (Planet Terror and Death Proof) ended up being distributed by Dimension Films, which is owned by the Weinstein Company.

With Oregon’s 24 major wildfires this summer, one of them was within a few miles of the Portland metro area and closed the only east-west interstate for a total of 3 weeks, which is a huge hit to the transportation industry. Trump never say anything about the fires, and when the governor asked for disaster funding,

Part of it is that our politicians are so stingy when it comes to paying for the programs that would help in these disasters. And with the situation in Puerto Rico (and the US Virgin Islands being completely forgotten), it’s obvious that we can’t rely on Trump’s government to do anything right or in a timely manner.

At the Bonneville fish hatchery in Oregon, they have a white sturgeon (named Herman) from the nearby Colombia river. Herman’s 79 years old and 10 feet long. The old sturgeon survived a kidnapping attempt in the 1980s that left him badly injured, and another incident in the 1960s when a man stabbed him and several

In high school, I had early morning activities, so would have to leave my house about 5:00AM. One winter, I started the car and then went inside to get something as it was warming up. As I crossed in front of the car, I happened to glance over inside the car. In the driver’s seat was a figure, with an awful grinning

I would think it would also be how he filed a $10 million libel lawsuit against someone who called him a cocaine addict on Twitter. When the man’s lawyer conceded the next year—solely because the man died, Woods said he hope the man “died screaming my name” and “Libel me, I’ll sue you. If you die, I’ll follow you to

They don’t care. Sandra Fluke testified on how her roommate used birth control for her PCOS. And somehow that turned into a GOP narrative about how Fluke was a slut who was asking the government to subsidize her sexxing.

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I hadn’t heard any of his Mudcrutch music before yesterday, and can’t stop listening to it. It’s gorgeous and haunting.