
Two other women have. In 2010 Charlotte Lewis said he sexually assaulted her on the set of Pirates when she was 16. And then another woman came forward last year, Robin M. who said she was also 16 when Polanski sexually assaulted her, Gloria Allred is representing her.

And the fucking thing is, it HAS BEEN a community effort. With next to no outside help the last two weeks, it’s been pretty much nothing but a community effort with the people trying to help each other as best they can. But it’s freaking impossible to help someone who’s diabetic when there’s no refrigerated insulin or

The only bright spot is that it currently doesn’t meet the Byrd rule, which means that unless they completely overhaul it, it needs 60 votes to pass the Senate. Although Schumer has been able to keep Democrats together when it comes to healthcare, there are a few conservative Democrats who have voted occasionally with

I’m a year graduated with my MLS with Archives concentration and in the PNW. Still looking for something permanent. What I have found success with is temp jobs or paid internships in library/archives related stuff—it only kicks the can just a little further down the road, but at least it’s experience. And money.

Definitely. I think it’s a small start, but there is so much more that needs to be done to protect on-call and minimum wage workers from getting jerked around by employers who often make it unable to work a second job or attend school or whatever else they’re expected to do by society to get ahead and advance out of

A few cities have passed fair scheduling acts because of that, and Oregon just became the first state to pass one. Oregon’s law says that the on-call or part-time employee has to get their schedule estimates one week in advance, and then in 2020, that moves to two weeks; and then also builds in protections for rest

20,000 Puerto Ricans served in the US military in World War I

There’s a really good book on the Mercury 13 called Space for Women by Pamela Freni.

All of the branches have an equal opportunity manual which explicitly say that no one can serve if they belong to an extremist or nationalist group (all but the Air Force then further spell that out as any group that discriminates based on race, nationality, religion, sexuality, gender, etc). Recruitment centers are

Wyden in Oregon has been doing his damnedest to get that passed. He’s repeatedly been introducing it for years. It’s such a no-brainer. There’s no chance of anything being hacked; we have the highest voter turnout for a state that doesn’t have same day registration (and I think the highest youth turnout); there’s

Looks like she’s from the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart.

The Pet and Transportation Standards Act from 2006 says that FEMA now has to take into account how to evacuate people’s pets prior to, during and after natural disasters. It doesn’t mean that every single shelter or first responder is now required to take pets along, but does mean that at least some of them should, or

She’s 51. The only time it is ever remotely acceptable to use young lady, is if the person in question is under the age of 10. Otherwise, it’s incredibly damn patronizing, and men know it. That’s why they use it.

Agreed—I used to like shopping for work clothes from Banana Republic, but I gained some weight and they carry nothing in my new size. I hate clothes shopping online, I want to try something on first and not have to wait for it or go through the hassle of shipping it back, so I refuse to check out online if they won’t

Cops are way down at #15 in terms of industries with the most job fatalities. They aren’t even in the top 5 when it comes to job-related injuries. If we want to honor people risking their health/safety for doing their jobs, how about #1—hospital orderlies/CNAs or #2, firefighters?

Please tell me what was significant about McKinley ($500 bill) or Cleveland ($1000) or Salmon Chase ($10,000)? Given that Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln are on the coins, why do they also get to be on the bills, are we lacking significant historical figures? Jackson is widely considered by historians to be one of

In addition to getting rid of the flood infrastructure standards, Trump at the same time also got rid of an office that was helping fund the relocation of Native Alaskan Coastal communities. Temperatures in Alaska are rising twice as fast as they are anywhere else, so the coastal areas are at particular risk of

You might try one of Alexie’s other books. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (the movie Smoke Signals is based on it) is my favorite by him. Or Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is also good. All of his books have a dark streak, but Indian Killer is particularly so.

The plot of pretty much every Hallmark Christmas movie I’ve seen:

He had Simon Wiesenthal investigate his father twice over dear old dad’s involvement with the Nazis.