Devoted AuntBelovedCunt

“I literally have never worked anywhere or know of anywhere where ponytails aren’t allowed. Hell, I’m not even sure I know one where headscarves aren’t allowed.”

The ownership group threatened relocation in 2007 not 2005.

It almost happened in 2007, not 2005.

It’s almost like you’re spewing misinformation out of your prolapsed asshole.

As soon as you stop wishing death on people you don’t like.


Why don’t you go tell these folks how awesome their life in Cuba is.

Hey folks, remember to ignore and report anybody criticizing Gawker Media.

“Okay, now you’re talking above my head. I don’t know all of this industry jargon, YP, MP. All I know is that I can’t get a record contract, we cannot get a record contract unless we take those tapes to the record company. And granted, the tapes themselves are a uh um oh, you own them, alright, but the magic that is

When did blatantly obvious sarcasm become “trolling”?

“Have you ever considered registering as a sex offender, just so you have a legitimate excuse for why your friends can’t bring their stupid children over to your house?”

I’m sick and tired of these millionaire glory boys being paid to play a game and fly around in their fancy jets.

I’m sure Riley Curry won’t grow up with any entitlement issues whatsoever.

It’s obvious that Mat Latos got tired of the kid asking for nude pics of his wife.

Now playing

This film is called “Girls are not to be Trusted”, by Kevin.

There’s only one appropriate response to all the Damian Wayne haters.

“a good chunk of mainstream movies are actually pretty not good.”

The big announcement is that he will only be charging $48.50 for his autograph at an upcoming sci-fi convention in Dubuque, IA.

“There won’t be because it’ll put off some douchebags”