Nah, I just want to be a sexy slacker. :)
Nah, I just want to be a sexy slacker. :)
Because people care too much about numbers and not enough about how fun or cool a character is. It is a game you should have fun, people have taken pokemon far too seriously. I really like Lucario he just looks cool. Absol is my personal favorite though.
I could tell you just don't get the appeal of speedruns, not that it bothers you that people do it.
I appreciate that you stated that you already more or less know why other people like it, and just can't put yourself in their shoes well enough to feel the appeal yourself.
It's because in every speedrun thread there is someone who takes the very concept of speedruns as a personal affront and calls the people who practice "childish" or "OCD", etc. Thus, the people who like it have gotten pretty defensive about their hobby.
A speedruner usually explore a game much more than a person who just play for fun, they tend to try difrent ways to go through situacions, when you pick a new game to run is a more a puzzle than just finihs it faster.
I fee like many people who don't follow the speedrunning community have a misconception about the players who speedrun games. Nobody pops in the game the first time and immediately begins a speedrun. Everyone does a casual play through the first time they experience a game. In all likelihood they'll play through the…
Well the textures seem to look a bit sharper on the Wii version (THAT'S something I never thought I'd say about that game) but overall I'd say the port looks pretty good, especially since it's running on a 3DS.
Sometimes Brian, I just don't get where you are coming from at all.
You realize they have to already be popular for that to work, right?
I agree 100%. MK2 was the peak IMO. LOVED that game
I keep reading excuses not to play it... when people have shown that:
Sounds more like a personal problem.
Agreed man. Ever since the roll out of "Fighting Stances/styles" I lost interest in the whole franchise
Fairly sure it's on the Wii eShop as well.
Well he did a livestream of himself playing it.…
Man, the holy trinity is cool and all...but I sure do wish I got Little Mac. -_- He's damn near impossible to find now.
I'm not referring to the original name. To the rest of the world, Soccer IS football.