Why’s he look like Hipster-Bro Beaker?
Why’s he look like Hipster-Bro Beaker?
It’s not gay if you’re a Nazi?
Sure, the MAGABomber targeted a who’s who of Trump’s enemies list with explosives, but someone was mean to Mitch McConnell in a restaurant once so #BOTHSIDES!
I know in this day and age, we're supposed to take sides in everything. But I'm damn proud of both Reid and Jenkins
A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”
tbh fuckin’ in a car should be legal
You forgot “obviously this is one of Soros’s paid protestors lashing out Because they haven’t received their checks yet.”
Conservatives: the real fucking terrorists
I’m putting my money on either:
Oh, just the manifestation of everything Trump and the RWNJ media have been openly encouraging for the last 3 years...............
Can’t wait for Fox to claim that this must have been the act of a true patriot determined to fight back against the fake news media.
Only if you finish all your chores.
“I mean, can you imagine how terrible a person you have to be to want the whole Earth to do well? Some very bad people on that side, very bad. And not very Christian of them, either. You know, people are saying that Jesus was the first person to support my campaign by wearing a MAGA hat. And that he wore it…
- sent from my samsung galaxy 9 powered by verizon.
Ever heard of dinner parties? Holiday meals with guests? Is the concept of hosting a group of people for dinner completely new to you?
Counter-mob the fuck out of that. They show up with like...ten guys, you have like 50 people with bats only somewhat hidden behind their backs.
I think the replay official made the right call because you absolutely can not say that the ball is over the yellow line when the play happens. But did West make the right call? It’s really close either way. Much too close for him to be so certain. The fact that West handled the press conference poorly should surprise…
Ted Cruz, you have 60 seconds to talk about something in your life that doesn’t involve politics.
I’d love to see him reveal his results on live TV: