If they packed us in like sardines I wouldn't care if they sedated us first, I can be awake for 72 hours straight and get on a 10-hour flight and be unable to nod off for a second. It's a shitty super power
If they packed us in like sardines I wouldn't care if they sedated us first, I can be awake for 72 hours straight and get on a 10-hour flight and be unable to nod off for a second. It's a shitty super power
It was also a fucking WAY lot more expensive, e.g. about $1000 from Boston to L.A. One way. You can certainly still get that kind of service now, if you’re willing and able to shell out for it.
Icebergs are easier to avoid than bedbugs.
The ritual is very simple.
Shit, I thought she just looked old.
Some people hang onto their youth a little too tightly.
I just wish Obama would stop dividing this country.
it’s time the blacks dropped their African s*** and become Americans and yes I had these discussions with my black friends
Asset forfeiture is a scandal and a travesty. If conducted at all it should be court-approved and paid into the state like taxes, not used as an individual sheriff’s personal or departmental slush fund.
“The NFL rule forbids players from sitting or kneeling if they are on the field or sidelines during the national anthem, but allows them to take a knee if they’re attempting to catch a ball that Ryan Tannehill has bounced ten fucking yards in front of them.”
So it’ll take Melo three moves to get where he wants to go. That’s a surprising level of efficiency from him.
You should hear the stories he tells about Juan Chipotle.
“And don’t get me started about how many of them ended up battered.”
“It’s not fair! Colonel Sanders was always manhandling breasts and slobbering over thighs, and no one made him sign confidential settlements with the chicks involved.”
Schnatter was clearly always a piece of shit. The bigger problem is the extraordinary wealth a single (awful and not-too-bright) man accumulated, and the way it gave him power, insulated him from any real consequences; and, likely, fed his worst impulses. This shithead was on the U of L’s board of trustees and had his…
Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.
“the fact that [he is] a twenty-year-old Italian American with a deep passion for motorsport, which is a very emotional sport.”