The Gutenberg Discontinuity

Drive white and buy white is the norm, what is wrong with a black person trying to help another black person?

Uncannine wit you have.

I am starting to have a feeling that the Warriors -if they do not win on Monday,-will blow this. It is all up to Draymond’s discipline and he escaped this time but I think he is on notice.

In my opinion, people in Cleveland are smart...they reside in a cheap city and can afford their houses.

Why do you still have an Obama hard on? dude is gone and if media reports are true, he is having lots of fun all over the world.

If indeed you are approaching 60, then why are you afraid to die? At this point in your life, you should welcome death with open arms and consider it a new adventure into the unknown. From your reasoning, I thought you were in your mid-twenties and you had everything to live for.

You have not BMW dealers I suppose.

Fun story from Baltimore, my co-workers who live there said they couldn’t risk UPS or FedEx deliver in some parts of the city in normal working hours because people would follow the trucks and steal the deliveries if they were not home! So they had it delivered at work and recently we had a new policy at work; you

We want a wagon, and I do not think there is a newish Accord wagon (old ones have tempted me as a beater winter car). I want a TSX because of the wagon thing. And I now live in the DMV area, speed is not a real thing since Montgomery County has cameras all over the place and Virginia is a police state.

Thanks, I think we will get one. They are always hovering at the 20K price range and I think they are not getting any lower price.

You can tell the Russians and Chinese without telling the people who man the interceptors, give them a time window. This experiment has been done before and does not reflect a real life situation where tens or hundreds of ICBMs are hurled at us.

Would the enemy fire only one projectile or inform us of the time and number of missiles? This is nearly is decades years of research and we are still doing the same experiments. I would like an experiment where we do not tell the interceptors when, where and how much we would be firing; a real test of test what China

So we shot down a missile whose exact trajectory we knew? Haven’t we done this before? Billions of dollars later we are still doing the same experiments?

The Gutenberg money was invested in books we wish we had known of the coming digital age. Does an Acura TSX seem like a good idea?

Is this the right time to buy? Ms. Gutenberg’s wagon is dying and we are considering a used car and we hate to miss an opportunity to buy cheap, because we are very cheap.

I thought there was an age limit to how young you can be before you pilot?

A Christian should be good, the idea of ‘a good christian’ is surprising.

Motherfucker came from slaves describing the master who most of the time was molesting their mom.

Or use incognito browsing... car rental companies are notorious for tracking too.

He knows which dicks to suck and how much to.