
Hey Micheal. I’ve mentioned this in previous comments, but you are one of my favorite writers. It is unfortunate that some people within the online community have hurt your feelings... It shows in your writing. You sound bitter, pessimistic, and almost fatalistic. It’s affecting the quality of your work. Maybe take a

BTW, if you notice I’m pissed by some of these lazy and misguided critiques, you’re right. I’m not ever going to countenance someone putting their reputation and safety on the line for us and getting shit on by our own for whatever reason, and especially not because you don’t like their particular style of protest.  No

Good for her. No, really. Plenty of white parents who adopt children of color never change their views, even when directly faced with the racism their child experiences. I don’t expect people to know what we know through personal experience. When someone finally has that epiphany and revelation, I am thankful for


Maybe we should remind him about white-on-white grime

This is one way of looking at it.
Another way of looking at it? This is all a melting pot. Cultures can come together, co-exist peacefully, and SHARE what they have. If you are not partaking in things you like from the cultures around you, YOU are the one missing out on all the privileges, perks, and opportunities you h

Do we really want to say that anti-cop-killer legislation is also anti-Black-Lives-Matter legislation? I could have sworn that it was Republicans who insisted that BLM was about killing cops, and in doing so they were deliberately misrepresenting what BLM was about.

This is orange on white. 

AOC as VP would minimize her ability to affect change. She needs to be fucking people up in Congress and pushing legislation. The VP is a job for has-beens and term limited/failing governors. It’s not the ticket for a future Presidential run anymore.

This White on White violence must stop! Think of Connecticut!!! White people need to come together and denounce this lol.

2 things for the whites greys responding to me: First, this should go without saying but since some of you need to hear it EVERY, SINGLE, TIME, I never said “all white people”. I said white people can be territorial. If you can’t understand the difference then you fail at reading comprehension and my comment is far