I thought he was saying he’s Norman, but I’m a histor-o-dork.
Best meme.
Until his daughter, that is. (Sounds of a thousand cats vomiting)
Meta douche!
Counterpoint: people smell better than reindeer.
Sinned? No. I’m just programmed this way. I don’t think it’s a bad thing anymore, even. It just is. Most of my 12 step stuff is centered in al-anon and ACA now. My trauma tells me to get icing now when I’m really upset - it’s like, icing - smoking - drinking - pills. That’s the run down. Luckily, those days are few…
You’re not an addict then. Easy.
To thine own self be true. I’m not giving you medical advice. I’m saying, don’t say you’re sober if you’re not. Caffeine is light years away from weed for an addict, and you darn well know it. I also have years of recovery, I also seek help outside of 12 step programs. Good for you, man. Big pat on your back, okay?…
If you had one, I’m sure you would call.
call your sponsor.
It’s your program, for sure. Yes, I get frustrated by people who say they are in a program and act judging - yet are smoking weed. For real addicts, that’s dangerous shit that takes a person like me right back to my drug of choice. Too many friends of mine have died from that kind of moderation - and if you want a…
I’m telling you the fucking truth. If you’re an addict/alcoholic and you want to be sober, that means putting it all down. I’m not saying medicines prescribed by a doctor - a real doctor. You want to work an honest program? I’m all for it. If you can tell the Internet you’re smoking weed, you can tell your home group.
No. I’m the person who thinks smoking weed while spouting program talk is shit. Go call your sponsor.
Maybe you aren’t an addict.
I never get that. It’s like, switching from beer to wine.
If you’re smoking weed you’re not in any program. Also, you don’t have kids? Good. Sit down and shut up.
Then you understand that most people who smoke weed/drink don’t act the way we do -