It’s not really white knighting to state fact. The dude has “fuck you” money compared to the OP, but is somehow still a retard. Which in terms of results, would make OP a mental invalid. Good effort though?
It’s not really white knighting to state fact. The dude has “fuck you” money compared to the OP, but is somehow still a retard. Which in terms of results, would make OP a mental invalid. Good effort though?
Yeah, of course Ja Rule still gets his money. That wasn’t the point behind the gesture, the point was public humiliation. Plus I’m assuming Ja Rule gets a very small amount of that money, most likely goes to the venue and the booking agent. Was it stupid? In many ways, yes, but it was also hilarious as a big “Fuck…
Played out joke is played out. He could’ve just filed bankruptcy for G-Unit Records, which he owned. He’s obviously not bankrupt because he has a successful show on Starz that he’s an EP of. I am, however, deeply amused at how the AV Club’s commentariat fits in so well with the former Gawker sites, populated as it is…
I didn’t make up my mind about anything except posit that there’s at least a solid chance they didn’t speak English as their first language. What is it with you weirdos where you just make baseless accusations in your rush to show how “woke” you are? News flash, you’re not, everybody does the same thing, and…
He’s “bankrupt” and yet still richer than you, somehow. Now who’s the moron?
It’s not a prejudice to make an educated and probability backed assumption, you fringe maniac.
Barring any actual knowledge of the person, yes, it would be surprising. If you asked me to guess based on name I’d have at minimum a 50/50 chance of being correct, or an even greater probability if I guessed they grew up in a dual language household.
I’ve met plenty of people whose first language wasn’t English that supported Trump, many of which were of Cuban, African, Haitian, or Indian descent and either had to do a lot of hard work to improve their lives, or spend large amounts of money and wait a long time to enter the country legally and find the fact that…
It surprises you that a guy whose name is “Cesar Sayoc” doesn’t speak English as his first language?
How is it “bullshit?” GMG is one giant echo chamber, the fact that it infuriates you so much to be told that simply proves it correct, you’re really just angry that somebody had the gall to tell you you’re not as smart as you think you are because you’re just part of a giant circle jerk of groupthink.
Okay, then accept that you are, in fact, a cunt. Simple compromise.
If you loathe it so much, don’t eat at restaurants.
I’m nearly positive at this point that the dumbass is just a troll. At least, I hope so. The alternative would be believing someone is that stupid and that much of a twat.
Do you not know basic math? 10.50x40, sum x 52. It’s literally ~22k a year. Moron.
You know what’s not hard? Making false equivalencies, and being a dumbass - two things you seem to have mastered at an early age.
I’m willing to bet the server literally had no idea if there would be an upcharge, or just assumed the customer wasn’t a complete moron. Then again, if your customer wants a bouillabasse with scallops in it, you may want to assume your customer is a moron.
Exactly. I fully know if I ask for something beyond “can I get American cheese instead of provolone on my burger?” or just asking them to hold something off the dish, that I am being an inconvenience. The difference is, I am willing to pay you more money for accommodating my preference. Substituting shrimp for…
That’s a perfectly fair question, and yes if it is just seltzer from the soda gun it should be free - When restaurants started doing this I was a bit wary, and my general rule of thumb is the more upscale a place is, the more likely they’re going to bring you a bottle of Perrier. Yeah, your waiter fucked up here, and…
You can literally identify all the commenters that have never been to higher end restaurants when they’re all like “OMG THAT’S BULLSHIT!” The vast majority of people that have actually eaten at varied establishments would know perfectly well that a scallop was going to cost more, for one, and two that you wouldn’t put…
How many people do you know that know what a bouillabasse is/will order it but somehow don’t understand that a scallop is far more expensive than a shrimp? I’m assuming the venn diagram of the people that do know is just a perfect circle.