Probably because impeaching Kavanaugh would lead to zero conviction and the Democrats had no reason to vote against him except that their party didn’t want it.
Probably because impeaching Kavanaugh would lead to zero conviction and the Democrats had no reason to vote against him except that their party didn’t want it.
The fact that a bunch of crazy people thought waving signs and screaming were going to make a difference vs. rational people weighing credibility (of which there was little) amused me to no end.
Not likely, since the vast majority of people that aren’t fringe leftists like yourself didn’t believe Dr. Ford in the least.
Cool story, but that doesn’t mean you have to ruin whatever for everyone else. It’s not even as if people fantasize or believe in it, and it’s not even incest when the premise is they’re not related by blood. Just because something happened to you doesn’t mean you get to be the arbiter of what’s acceptable.
Why, because it’s full of vapid attention whores and clueless fools?
Yes, because you hyper liberals don’t understand how terrible an idea it is to call someone the “Here’s some random group of songs to gill this old guy”.
Sorry, what? Who gives a fuck? I’m admittedly agnostic but what the fuck? Next step: Stop making false claims..
Nope, your dumb ass is toast. Go back to managing your yard management store.
You’ve already made it clear you don’t, and you didn’t understand the sarcasm in the quote. Does being an “ally” or whatever shit help you get laid? I bet not.
Aw you’re mad someone proved you wrong! How cute.
So you need two homers back up your joke which no one thought funny (I get the attempt at a joke. I missed it initially, I admit, because it wasn’t fucking funny). You’re trying too hard, old dude.
Wow, glad to know you’re totally in favor of women’s rights! You just advocated for the rape of women! You’re an idiot, and never should’ve been brought out from the greys but you likely were because you agreed with the author - Something so common among the ex-gawker sites and even on Deadspin. In short: You’re a…
I like reading both your posts because they’re both so idiotic. It makes me giggle.
Wow. You read a book. How fucking amazing.
No one gives a shit about your bordering on obsessive/psychotic need for approval. You’re clueless, and that’s life.
Are you idiots going to cry about it for the next two years? Four, if a new president is elected? You idiots managed to open the door in to how far we can look in to SC candidates, so now we’ll look that far in to yours. Hopefully they’re not all like Teddy Kennedy where he killed a woman!...But let’s be realistic,…
Are you mad no one is rushing to your defense for your poor ass joke?
Really? Because the only one starring your comments are either you, or your misguided colleagues. Nothing in this thread has even been remotely funny except to your group who thinks esoteric leftist cracks are HILARIOUS. I’m sure you’re all great fun to have at parties...That consist only of each other. As for…
So..A joke no one got.. Yeah, if you have to explain it, it’s a bad joke. Also you may want to learn the usage of “Don’t quit your day job,” because it does not apply..
Depends on how high your lithium dosage is.