
Is this hyperbole or are you actually this stupid? Trump somehow magically convinces two thirds of the nation to agree to a Constitutional Amendment abolishing presidential term limits? And for the record, the first question was rhetorical - I do believe you are actually this stupid.

Does anyone think you all wouldn’t have conducted this same smear campaign even if Kavanaugh were a fucking Saint anointed by the Pope himself?

Exactly how brain dead are you? Why do your bullshit comments, much like Libby’s article, constantly move the goal posts? “WE DEMAND ANOTHER INVESTIGATION.” Investigation done, nothing new. “IT WAS A FARCE, NOT GOOD ENOUGH.” Just swallow your fake righteous indignation and admit that you’re pissed the delaying tactics

Man, you ex-Gawker nuts just get crazier with each post. Every one includes a new allegation. First he was just a person who sexual assaulted someone. Now he’s a rapist, an alcoholic, AND a wife beater? What’s next, are you going to claim he masterminded 9/11 or will you go light this time and just say he kicked your

Or maybe..There’s nothing to leak numb nuts. It’s awfully shady that even just now they’re claiming something in the reports that they (quite conveniently) can’t reveal. They’ve had those previous reports from the start. Anybody with half a brain knows you’re full of shit when your final stand is “WE HAVE PROOF BUT WE

Trumps Bill Clinton? You mean the guy who was impeached for perjuring himself in front of Congress? Man you need to re-read your history..

In HamNo’s mind, he is everyone. No one else matters.

Ah yes, the “The result was not to my liking, so change it!” line of thought. Hooray for the tyranny of the majority!

So everyone not in California deserves less of a voice? Yes, that does sound about right for the Left’s modus operandi.

You keep waiting on that “revolution.” Is it hard to hold your breath til the Seventh of Never?

What a shame that the incompetent are forced to work in a grocery store. That’s about the only place I’d trust them.

It’s really such a shame you come off as a clueless idiot every time you post. Who the Hell let you out of the asylum?

So you failed to present a valuable argument. Sorry, maybe have a response that isn’t “I don’t remember,” “I don’t know,” “I have no clue how I traveled 8.5 miles.” If it was that upsetting and traumatizing, you’d know.

Vigoda, did you know you’re creepily angry about your favored sports team losing a game?

Gee williker, nobody would ever be bitter about getting an ass kicking.

So you were a lonely loser whose been with one woman his whole life. Congratz. Glad you really got out there in life.

Stop posting this stupid shit, your rampant bias is showing. I wonder how long it’ll take before Univision starts laying off all the writers that eventually open them up to lawsuits.

When your most common answer is “Sorry, don’t remember!” and your excuse for not coming to talk to anyone is “I’m afraid of flying!..Except for when I’m going on vacation, then it’s okay!” Sorry, phobias don’t work that way and someone with a Ph.D in psychology should know that. She didn’t come off as coherent, she

Yeah, a dude that went to Yale and Yale Law is totally mediocre.