Makes for funny video, but it doesn’t look like much fun.
Makes for funny video, but it doesn’t look like much fun.
Waitwat, second season of FLCL? You’ve just made my day *off to google*
I have to agree. CB is in my top 3 animes of all time (the others being Death Note and Fooly Cooly), but I have not found that going back to CB brings out anything new for me; it’s still great — but treaded territory. Fooly Cooly, by contrast, I have watched through about 7 times (it’s only 6 episodes in show length,…
So, I thought about that. Cowboy Bebop is one of the top five anime of all time. However, I’m not sure it’s “better” on the second watch (or third, if you’re me). I didn’t really get hidden angles on the characters. The fight scenes were just as dope. Its setting isn’t too complicated in the first place, so I didn’t…
Correct. Schilling is the bigger source of consternation for Red Sox fans. “Thanks Curt for 2004. Now please shut the fuck up.”
Haha! Got those bigoted bastards! Wait, Massachusetts is arguably the most liberal state in the country? But that doesn’t fit the racist legacy of Tom Yawkey (who died over 40 years ago). Ehh, force it anyway.
no she is referring to the “it” as herself which is why i wrote that she was deploying black men as “both object and misogynist,” although i’m mad now that i didn’t write “both object and objectifier,” as parallelism would have been better writing. fuck.
And, sadly enough, you know damn well she’s gonna get said gig, too. 50 internet dollars says they were dialing her number before the Skrillex intro music faded out.
The sad thing is, this is how the world really works.
Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.
But a certain faction of your uncle’s Facebook friends will swear he isn’t on an MLB roster RIGHT THIS MINUTE because of the war on Christianity.
He’s going to need a lot of ketchup cake for this.
Somebody better check on Drew.
That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.
The most glaring error in this show as far as I’m concerned is that Andrea was found in a blood-soaked heap on her bed, with splatters going up the wall... and yet Naz woke up downstairs with only a very small amount of blood on him (from Andrea’s hand wound).
Nobody expects the Spanish friend tradition.
I can tell you that this...
Not without a fight.