Encouraging road rage is safer than a lane change?
Encouraging road rage is safer than a lane change?
I don’t know if I would say he got what was coming to him. Common knowledge is if your going slow in the left lane and someone comes up behind you, then move into the slower lane if possible. Brake checking when the other lane is open is a dick move IMO
Yeah, nearly dying was certainly “what was coming to him” for driving too close to the car in front of him.
Also a ball hit 450 feet (over the fence) is worth more than one hit 300 feet (not over the fence)... so the homerun is already screwing up his analogy.
By his logic, a point after should be worth three, since it’s a field goal, and by God, all scoring plays better count the same.
Also if you preferred watching Wilt to Steph, you are an insane inhuman monster.
“A 500-foot home run counts the same as a 300-footer, though admittedly the gasps are louder.” ... except when there are more runners on base.
Fuck. Just, fuck. God dammit. This guy captures brilliantly why Trump is the likely Republican nominee.
Also put to rest? The original Hank.
After the Vet reported that Hank tested positive to Doggie Growth Hormones (DGH) Hank immediately went on the offensive and called the Vet an anti-semite.
Conspiracy theorists still claim that the real dog is a sandwich.
Well, Valve doesn't make it so that you have to write the game heavily integrated with Steam and then have a hard time offering it elsewhere.
It’s possible that the judges could remand the whole thing back to Judge Berman for another ruling, which would drag the process out even longer.
This is gonna sound insensitive but I honestly have NO desire or wish for all these reboots. Gilmore Girls, Full House, X files...the talk of Friends. There is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much good TV out there to waste time on what Emma is doing in college. Who the fuck cares?
“people who play a small handful of titles casually”
“however the people who play sports games are not gamers, they are casuals”
I love how your comment swerved off the track into a cliff by the middle of the paragraph, and by the end you tell us that the bottom of the cliff is where capitalism come from because you saw a synagogue full of humanoid lizards down there.
Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.
good screenshot. LOL shows the young lady's contempt of Clinton and Clinton's firm resolve not to take that crap.