why does he have to be in a coma the either 20 years? couldn’t he have woken up like 2 weeks later?
why does he have to be in a coma the either 20 years? couldn’t he have woken up like 2 weeks later?
I uh...really disagree with the premise the first one was some emotional rollercoster. I think your 90's nostalgia is getting the best of you man.
I have heard a ton of outlets (including Wojo and various other NBA writers) reporting they are very activity trying to get another player (a guard) who can run the point and/ or score from the outside to go with there big man depth by looking to trade one of there 6 bigs for it.
They wouldn’t get a draft pick, the deadline to trade picks in 2016's draft has passed.
Rumor around here is they are going to get Noel or Oakfur for drafting Dunn at 3 and shipping him out to Philly.
did your “mistakes” at 16 include:
The people she won’t be committing armed robbery against likely disagree. Not saying you don’t have a point about our Justice system being fucked up, but I’ll save the outrage for the many, many people who deserve it.
it’s felony murder during a armed robbery man, and she also admitted that they planned to rob him with lethal force available (i.e premeditation, they brought a gun)
“I know he had plans”
I mean, it’s not that hard to manage swapping beams man, im sorry. Even on Console you can set them to toggle. They also auto target, and her flight is point and click, as is her ult.
she takes very good game knowledge, but not a high level of mechanical skill.
can you give us an estimate on when the plot armor is due to fall off all minority comics characters?
it is when you’ve been widely accused of same. It’s not like he just randomly threw it out there, a large portion of the fan base has been calling him out as an insensitive racist for awhile now. Makes sense to me he would address those concerns head on.
I don’t think for a second he will leave, but this isn’t the same thing as saying “I’m definitely staying”
Both this album and Liam’s debut with beady eye were pretty solid. (though I do prefer this one)
we get it Mr. Snyder, your super edgy and misunderstood, and you hated Civil War. got it.
yea, this was a bad take Drew. bad Drew.
Unless cleveland goes on a championship run here, I wouldn’t worry about it.
No, but a ballsy 3-1 comeback against a team that set the regular season record for wins certainly moves him up the list.
nachos do not include rice.