I’d be outraged, but the comment section assures me this shit only goes on in the US of A. This must be some sort of progressive commercial I don’t understand and not horribly racist.
I’d be outraged, but the comment section assures me this shit only goes on in the US of A. This must be some sort of progressive commercial I don’t understand and not horribly racist.
that’s not true at all of what was shown as “time travel” in the show it’s actually, as others have pointed out, a causality loop.
no, your coming from it being outraged that another person’s work didn’t turn out the way you wanted the story too in your own head.
I’m sorry a science fantasy author didn’t revise his entire series due to internet outrage in 2008 over a certain form of magic in his series that features immortal ice zombies and dragons. That must have been a real blow.
yea, this clearly temporary gimmick (no points awarded for guessing Captain is playing the long con on Hydra to get revenge for his Mother) combined with the continuing failure of marvel movies to make any money will really end the brand.
if your looking for people beating the shit out of each other as a key selling point of the league, the NHL is always looking for new fans.
Yea, won a championship last year, went on to a 73 win season and (at worst) a Conference Finals loss the following year in the tough as fuck west.
oh for sure, long term I’ll swap.
I mean, as someone who didn’t play in the beta, some of that right now is i want to get decent with the characters, so I’ll suck up a full round on D.Va for example, just to figure out her play style rather than swap around and spend the game trying to figure out what I’m doing with the new character.
best is the “you thought you were going to get PoTG, but it was me! Bastion!”
I think the main issue isn’t that people don’t understand “hey, i have to swap hero’s in this game”.
Talk to your boy GRRM. Might want to skip the next book if this is your view.
No, it really isn’t. It’s just texture model swaps so developers can say “see? we are diverse, get off my back” That isn’t helpful or progressive.
Jason, you really don’t see the problem with what you are writing here?
“I hope you’ll agree that getting developers to think “What if this were a girl?” rather than assuming a male default is a very good thing for gaming.”
You have never watched any reality TV, in your life? and we aren’t talking only about train wreck reality tv only, I.e the Kim K Plague, the crap on lifetime, or any of that crap.
every time i see this commercial, i want him to start conjuring waffles in the show.
he’s not Jamie’s right hand man, he’s a landed lord. Be happy we got one last road show, in the book he’s been gone since he took the Lordship
are we talking with a piece of steel? Then i don’t know.
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