
Yea, won a championship last year, went on to a 73 win season and (at worst) a Conference Finals loss the following year in the tough as fuck west.

oh for sure, long term I’ll swap.

I mean, as someone who didn’t play in the beta, some of that right now is i want to get decent with the characters, so I’ll suck up a full round on D.Va for example, just to figure out her play style rather than swap around and spend the game trying to figure out what I’m doing with the new character.

best is the “you thought you were going to get PoTG, but it was me! Bastion!”

I think the main issue isn’t that people don’t understand “hey, i have to swap hero’s in this game”.

No, it really isn’t. It’s just texture model swaps so developers can say “see? we are diverse, get off my back” That isn’t helpful or progressive.

Jason, you really don’t see the problem with what you are writing here?

“I hope you’ll agree that getting developers to think “What if this were a girl?” rather than assuming a male default is a very good thing for gaming.”

You have never watched any reality TV, in your life? and we aren’t talking only about train wreck reality tv only, I.e the Kim K Plague, the crap on lifetime, or any of that crap.

every time i see this commercial, i want him to start conjuring waffles in the show.

he’s not Jamie’s right hand man, he’s a landed lord. Be happy we got one last road show, in the book he’s been gone since he took the Lordship

are we talking with a piece of steel? Then i don’t know.

Has any team been involved in as many blown calls in the last 2 minutes as the Thunder have this post season? seems like every game they get away with one.

I would rate those “not as shitty as a lot of other video game movies” not “good”

yea, im pretty over it. Based on how it’s every fucking where though, you and I are in the minority.

I’m over the summer Olympics in particular. The winter olympics at least have hockey and people sliding down hills and tracks at insane speeds for crazy crashes.

foghorn needs a moment of your time

the amazing part is I would say his handles were a minor weakness coming out of College. Somehow though, over the last 3 seasons he’s gone from “yea, he can handle ok I guess” to “what is this allen Iverson level bullshit he pulled on this fool?”

I always thought she said “Are you reeeady” with a weird rolling of the eee’s

yes. yes it was.