Not a fan of nigger ping pong?
Not a fan of nigger ping pong?
Oh look you’re being like trump. Silly nigger makes a better lawn ornament than a writer. Not even worth raping
Whatever makes you feel better. Actually have Jezebel post my IP address then see how I’m posting from my $2m house. You’re what? Crippled by student debt. Haha.
Haha yes I do. Can easily prove it too except I’d draw the ire of the Jezebel army who would dox me and try to ruin my life, my family’s lives and the lives of everyone I care about.
I actually own a successful business in NYC. Built it on my own. Not a penny from family or the government. Not into entitlements. What are you some welfare queen or women’s studies major ?
I went to a top 10 college despite being a white dude. My SATs and GPA would have gotten me a full ride to Harvard if I was a black.
So they’re the opposite of black people.
Black people have made no major contribution to modern society and that’s a fact.
“All popular music” versus the Internet. Lol.
“Look at us, look at us” black athletes
Quick name something positive blacks have contributed to society besides peanut butter.
No. You don’t think that do you? Even a negro isn’t that dumb.
Riots. Not protests. These are riots.
White people.
Everyone's gonna be hungover for work tomorrow
You’re a clown but I’ll answer.
Nice anecdotal evidence. I was referring to using “take” like everyone else does here to win favor with the gay writers on here.
Being productive member of society.
You're such a sycophant. Blacks are out of control.
Black people are out of control. Out of control.