
Incredibly doubtful. Just judging by the content of his Bill Maher appearances, he’s pretty liberal. He got into a yelling match while on the panel there within the last two years over Maher’s sketchy attitudes towards Islam. I can’t imagine him being okay with a candidate who has a ban on Muslim immigration as a

Also, I thought people at this website ascribed to the school of thought that says that censorship can only be carried out by the government. Unless they only say that when it’s convenient to the point they’re trying to make.

I’m not really seeing the issue here. I mean with the family history show it called into question the shows validity and they likely should have told him either he cooperates or they run it without his input. But I mean if you have issue with his requirements don’t agree to interview based on them.

Honestly, unless Ben was joking about “grabbing women by the pussy”, I doubt anyone really would have cared what he said after this weekend.

I don’t think so.

Like that scene in season one of Mr. Robot where the CEO is talking about how they decided to poison the town during a rich people party.

It’s really... nothing. It’s not as intense as her public persona but it’s not radically different. She’s catering to her audience without fundamentally changing who she is. I don’t get why she was so against publicizing these except then she couldn’t use them again.

How anticlimactic.

Huh. I legitimately expected them to be worse than that.

What makes me feel incredibly sad is men who are trying to paint this as a black man vs. white woman scenario. Here’s a man who raped an unconscious woman who was only let off because she had given him oral sex in the past. The details are beyond fucked up. So for him to act like he was acquitted on merit and not rape

That’s very well put.... it’s like you can’t even see the film through the director’s fingerprints, ego, and “LOOK AT ME, I DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT”.

I feel sorry for all the other people who have put their time and effort into this film, only to have it be overshadowed by Parker’s sordid past. For me, personally, the whole project is tainted now.

A much better messenger. It sucks this dude is the one telling this story. That and the fact I’m personally tired of seeing glorified black torture porn are the only two reasons I’m not going to bother watching this.

a better film, sure, but also a better messenger.

Yep. I swear that the internet and social media in particular are making this a more widespread problem, too. It’s really popular in some circles (think upper-middle-class, white, suburban) to bake gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, vegan birthday cakes with kale baked in for a baby’s 1st birthday party because God

My parents (mostly my mother) were slightly obsessed with feeding me organic hippie food and limiting the demon sugar. And while from a nutrition/pesticide standpoint it was probably good, from a mental health standpoint, it really wasn’t. It’s probably the big reason I find myself looking askance at all the

This is an extreme version of something I see among a lot of the women I know, where they force their food hang ups onto their kids. Usually it’s just like, being gluten free when there is no indication for it. Or putting kids on whole 30. I think this sort of orothexia by proxy is more widespread than people think.

Orthorexia is an eating disorder where you’re obsessed with the purity of your food and parents definitely impose it on their children. And Orthorexics are often recovering anorexics.

What she really should’ve been feeding her offspring is mice and small birds.