
I have zero understanding of the realities of the Indian market in terms of healthcare, but if you built a government regulated market, it would be far safer than the current black market. You could mandate costs and aftercare, etc. The current situation specifically puts those who sell their organs in a situation of

That’s not what every scientific article about the subject I have read says.

Likely 10-15 years out from something that will be approved and work like a kidney. They were recently able to clone animal kidneys. and they also have synthetic options that are basically a wallet sized dialysis machine they put inside you or you wear like an insulin pump.

They should probably sign up for Obama care then. It is free if you are really poor or at least that was the promise.

Opening the market would add protection, though. It could be regulated and properly vetted.

They already have a monetary value. $10K in Asia, $20k in Eastern Europe. I’ve already done the research.

Except under my idea, though, insurance would cover the cost of a new one, so if their kidney shit out after donation, they could get a new one.

Pregnancy complications are pretty dangerous too.

Already saw it. It is a problem because they do it in chop shops and don’t provide aftercare. It wouldn’t be problematic if it include money, healthcare, and follow up support.

Well I am sure a substantial chunk of cash will be helpful in remedying their diet and lifestyle. Also, “afford to donate your kidney for free”? Financially, everyone can afford that as you are allowed to collect lost wages, expenses, time, etc etc. You can’t lose your insurance anymore.

As a person who will need dialysis in the next 10-15 years, I am just hoping the advances in synthetic or grown kidneys will be such that I won’t have to do it. Otherwise, I just hope my insurance will spring for a home machine, so at least I can do it while sleeping.

Currently, he would have trouble getting on the list (given that drug use was the cause of the kidney failure). I would imagine he would have to put together a strong string of sobriety before he was considered.

Yeah, but that is because it is a black market. The sellers will still be poor, or just really interested in making 50K, but there is also no aftercare in the Philippines.

The rich already have access to better healthcare in every country, regardless of the system. If you set the price and insurance/medicare paid for it, it would still be cheaper than paying for dialysis for 5 years of waiting.

Yeah, that isn’t gaming the system because the kidney isn’t in the system. Like if you had tons of friends who really really loved you, you’d have a way better chance at a live donation.

Yeah, we could easily solve the problem by allowing people to sell their kidneys. If it is safe enough to donate for free, it is safe enough to sell. The only country that allows organ sales is also the only country without a waiting list, Iran. I would also add, that if you are rich, it is relatively easy to go to a

Wouldn’t black people be the only group that this wouldn’t work for? I would imagine, Asians, Indians, Native Americans, Inuits, Middle Eastern, (white) latinos, and pretty much every other group could do hair tattoos.

There is a lot of virtual cat-calling going on.