
In my experience, people don’t come up with leech opinions on their own. I am guessing she used to talk a lot of shit about Jack during the bad times/while they broke it off. Now they are back together and in love, but the cousin just heard her talk a bunch of shit (true or not) and is thinking, what’s changed?

Which means she will likely be into you for a little bit or really terrified depending on how the trip is going.

If they used the same language as was used in the title, then the answer is yes. She can definitely be at fault (if she is the rapist). A women, doesn’t indicate whether or not we are discussing the victim. I think it should be the woman, and that would imply, no she can’t be at fault for her own rape.

I’ve been bumped on my bike before. At those speeds, it is a bump. I wasn’t in danger.

There is literally no way she is paying a lawyer by the hour for this. This is the type of case that is taken on spec and paid out as a percentage of the proceeds.

They were safe well before they reached Hungary.

Thank god the veneer trim is real then. It won’t help, but it looks nice!


It is, that is why you pay. And they remain a cheap asshole.

This looks good, but I would put a better Mad Max in the list. 1 is not very good compared to two or four.

In most places, a prenup can specify funds paid out after the divorce. Regardless of the earnings during the marriage.

Does a prenup supercede California’s shared property rules?

Venmo is an app that lets you easily pay people. My idiot friend does that.

Okay, so you are the cheap friend, whether you act on it or not. A good way to handle these feelings is to determine if the meal will be split before you order. Then order last. That way your can tailor your ordering to theirs.

A good role of thumb is determine whether or not the check is going to be split before or after. Then make sure you order last. That way you can adjust your cheapness/extravagance to match the table’s.

Maybe in addition to being a huge dick, he has a huge dick?

I have a glut of them as friends. Half of us went to school on scholarship, the other half had generous parents. The job part is a mixture of intelligence and connections.

Cheap is when everyone has been splitting rounds for the night and you decide it is a good idea to venmo people for the rounds you bought them. Also, asking for money from friends for anything that cost under $10 dollars (assuming it doesn’t become a perpetual habit). I have a friend who did this regularly and we

So you are saying Times Square is getting back its authenticity with drugs and hookers?

Burn out at a cars and coffee lead to this.