

Thanks, you. That's very kind.

I thought that song was just in my head for the last 20 years.

Oh, shush.

I wish.

Have never written "sponsored content" or been asked to do so. This is a running river of nonsense in this site's comments that is dispiritingly silly.

Thanks, Jay. Would that wishing made it so.

I know you will, Guy. I know you will.

The saddest of buttholes.

Thanks, Drew.

Thanks, James.


Forget it, Dikachu. It's FatTonyTown…

Or, you know, that was a really terrible episode. Whichever. Thanks for reading!

I mean…

Oh, I've got sass.

I love it. You know, until someone says something so hurtful that I close my laptop slowly and go for a nice cleansing walk.

Neither I, nor any of my colleagues—who are all not silly people—would change a grade because something we were reviewing mentioned the site. All I'm saying.

Rocky, Brocci, Guy, Mr. G.

It's not like it's in the banner headline or anything, jeez.