
1. You are very nice.
2. I know these run long. I'd apologize, but, honestly, I've felt inspired by this show and feel like there's some stuff in this episode I left out because, yeah, I was around 1500 words already. Some shows are like that—I've reviewed 90 minute movies where I petered out around the 600 word mark,

He was great on SNL.

Fine choices.

Despite the fact that i love baseball more than almost anything on this misbegotten planet, I heartily endorse your second plan.

Blame the World Series. (Seriously, write letters.)

All 8 episodes are all me, baby! Next one goes up on Wednesday.

Again, it's complicated and personal. I will say, as much as I have loved DC all my life, I have not read a single issue since the "new 52" nonsense.

That's between me and Ted.

There's moderate groove.

Stay tuned. I hear there might be a drop-in soon.

Thus cementing the idea that the bad place is for the correct and righteous.

The good place SUUUuuuuUUUUuuuucks, the good place sucks.

Yeah, the sight of two other residents reacting in fear was pretty striking/upsetting.

Aaaand, there we go. Have a great night, everyone!

Not what I said. Talking about people who only now him from Parks & Rec. Thanks for reading, though.

I think he's meant to be an amalgam of the late night Jimmys, Fallon and Kimmel. Although there's certainly lots more Fallon DNA in there, with the games and so forth.

Well, if it's true that Shearer's only received something like 200 bucks in merchandising royalties over the years, it's hard not to side with him.


I was surprised, too. When his ladyfriend talks about Kant being "a lonely obsessive hermit with zero friends," I thought we'd find out that that describes Chidi, too. But he never said he was a virgin–just that he'd never had a meaningful romantic relationship.

I read that distinction again and again, and then choose another word.