
It's possible, but Eleanor's "No!" definitely had a warning tone to it.


I think they meant that one…

I also peaked some 20 years ago.

Since they were both made by Simpsons people, I'm assuming they were goofs.

Jerry. Rocky. Perkins sleepy. 'night.

Didn't think of that. Huh.

I have 24 hours. (Actually I just did it.)

Grr… for you, I will change. (Said in Olya's accent.)


Sorry—fixed. (Although, point proven, I'd say.)

I don't get it. What did I do? (It's late, dude.)

He's up to the jorb, that's for sure.

You never get a straight story, but I have heard he wanted to miss some time for a movie he's working on.


Rocky. #shutit

Yes. I sound exactly like that. Keep that goin'.


And toilet jewelry-throwing.