
Eh. I've seen series wear thin by the end of the first episode.

You're very kind. Go nuts.

Understood. Feel free—mi casa es su casa.

Just keep reading 'em.

Wow, thanks, you. This one was a monster to review—witness the length. I really appreciate the kind words. Thank you for reading. Seriously.

She was at SPACE CAMP! (Dismissed in one line—that teenage rebellion's gonna be huge.)

Thanks, you. And give us crazy AV Clubbers a chance—we're swell.

Thanks, you.

Ah, apologies on the box. I heard it wrong. Thanks.

I know—still, give a guy a break over here. I'll take it the afternoon of! C'mon guys!

I know other places have done this, but a promise is a promise. (And I know I missed a ton, sorry.)
From the parade, I got: Steven Wright, Marvin Hagler, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Conan O’Brien, Carla, Norm, and Cliff from Cheers, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Mike Dukakis, The Winkevoss Twins, Barney Frank, unnamed Boston

He's in the crowd scene (silently and briefly) when Homer destroys the hat.

Fox hardly ever gives screeners for The Simpsons, for whatever reason. Had to do it live.

Challenge accepted! (Give me a little bit, though.)

Listen to Drew, people.

Well, the beer helps.

No, ten pins. Skinny. Three balls, about the size of grapefruits.

It's fun! Especially when you're beering it up at the same time—the smaller balls and the crazy ricocheting of the pins encourages reckless behavior.

Those wily Americans.

I'm guessing… no?