
They were definitely more interesting than I thought they'd be, based on the near-nothing I knew about them going in.

You win. I'm goin' to bed.

Fixed it, thanks. 4 a.m.

The idea is that there's going to be increased in-show product placement to compensate for the lost ads.

Eh. There are duds and there are duds. I have seen some duds, my friend. [Pulls shawl tighter around shoulders.]



I stopped counting.

Thanks, as always, Mrs. A.

I saw a 6 at first, although it started falling so fast, it might have slipped by me.

I'm sure he'll be fine. See the premiere, where they killed off: Ralph, Terri (or Sherri), and lopped off Kirk's arms (they're reattached tonight).

This is Perd Hapley, reporting.

I would not.

Thanks. Apologies. 4 a.m. is my excuse.

See, now *that's* the kind of use the internet should be put to.

Yes. You're tired.

Understood. I was busy writing the Newswire about tonight's show that everyone can complain about when I finally wake up tomorrow. Apologies. For being a fucko.



My link work is done here.